May 15, 2023

How to Write Compelling Meta Summaries

What is a meta description

A meta description is an HTML component known as the meta description that provides a brief overview of a webpage’s content. When displayed on the search engine results page (SERP), this concise summary appears below the page title and URL.

Since meta descriptions can impact click-through rates (CTR), they are essential in on-page SEO. 

Therefore, it is important to write engaging meta-descriptions and utilize tools that detect any potential issues.

Meta description examples

You can find meta descriptions in your page code, on the SERP, and in some social media shares.

1. In-page code

You can find the meta description in a page’s <head> HTML code.


3. Social media shares | Why meta descriptions are important for SEO

Crafting an effective meta description is similar to delivering a persuasive sales pitch. It quickly communicates your value proposition and persuades readers to click on your link.

The primary goal is to boost your page’s click-through rate (CTR) by crafting compelling meta descriptions that inspire users to click, as a higher CTR means more visitors to your page.

Although meta descriptions are not a direct SEO ranking factor, they can indirectly affect your rankings by increasing organic CTR for specific keywords.

Here are some benefits of a well-crafted meta description:

  • Improves CTR
  • Sets your SERP listing apart from competitors
  • Enhances brand exposure

Ultimately indirectly influencing your rankings.

Positive effects of good meta descriptions

In the past, search engines like Google used keywords in meta descriptions as a critical factor for website ranking. However, website owners started overusing these keywords in a technique called “keyword stuffing.” This led to unhelpful and irrelevant meta descriptions for users. Consequently, in 2009, Google stopped using meta descriptions for website ranking.

Despite this change, optimizing meta descriptions is crucial for SEO and online marketing. It can have a significant impact on your page’s click-through rate (CTR) in search results, which is the ratio of page impressions to clicks. A well-written meta description can encourage users to click, even if your page has a low ranking, ultimately improving its relevance and time spent on the page. This, in turn, indirectly improves your page’s ranking on Google. Thus, creating a good meta-description is an essential part of search engine optimization.

How to write meta-descriptions

Now that you understand the significance of a meta description for your website and content, let’s discuss how to craft an effective one. An excellent meta description prioritizes the user experience and includes the following three elements:

  1. Answer two questions that users might have: “What is this page all about?” and “Why should I choose this page in the search results?”
  2. Include the primary keyword that the page intends to rank for. This presents an opportunity for on-page optimization.
  3. Use benefit-focused language to inform the reader of what they will gain by clicking on your listing.

To increase your organic search click-through rate and create an impactful meta description, follow these guidelines:

  • Keep it concise

Keep it to no longer than 160 characters. It’s important to keep it short and sweet to ensure it fits within the allotted space on the SERP. Also, remember that Google doesn’t display more than 160 characters.

  • List the most important information first

Quickly communicate the subject matter and benefits of your page. 

  • Keep it conversational

Write for people, not search engines or algorithms

  • Include your primary keyword

Improve your visibility on the SERP and help users understand what the content is about. However, don’t stuff your meta description with keywords, as it can be seen as spammy and won’t attract clicks.

  • Use persuasive language

Make it persuasive and enticing, encouraging users to click through to your website. Use strong action words and language that appeals to your target audience. For example, “Discover the secrets to” can effectively engage users.

  • Highlight the benefits

Emphasize the benefits that users will get from clicking through to your page. Highlight what they will learn or gain from your content. For example, “Learn how to save time and money” or “Discover the best strategies for increasing productivity”.

  • Be unique

Avoid duplicating the same description for multiple pages, which can confuse users and hurt your SEO efforts.

  • Preview your meta descriptions

Preview your meta descriptions using Yoast SEO or Google’s SERP preview tool. This will give you a better idea of how your descriptions will appear on the SERP and allow you to adjust accordingly.

  • Edit it a few times:

After a few passes you will see better ways to first more benefits and details. 

Look at this great example:
Lonely Planet (Search term: travel inspiration)
Lonely Planet’s top-ranking result for the search term “travel inspiration” is impressive because it effectively fulfills the search query while promoting the brand. The initial two words appeal to travel enthusiasts searching for inspiration, followed by a brief description of what the brand provides. Additionally, the site links displayed beneath the result attract searchers to explore more specific pages.

Final thoughts

An effective meta description is crucial for your website’s success in search engine optimization and online marketing. By following the guidelines mentioned above, you can write compelling meta descriptions that inform users about your page’s content and encourage them to click on your link. A well-written meta description can improve your page’s click-through rate, set it apart from competitors, enhance brand exposure, and indirectly influence your rankings.

If you need to craft compelling meta descriptions or any other digital marketing needs, consider partnering with The Anything Group. Our team of experts can help you optimize your website for search engines, create engaging meta descriptions, and improve your online presence. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to improve your website’s performance – contact us today!

The Marketing & Comms Team